Fort Portal
Fort Portal is a town in the Western Region of Uganda. It is the seat of both Kabarole District and the Toro Kingdom. It is located on the edge of one of Uganda’s biggest tropical rain Forest, the (Kibale Forest) and on the foot hills of Mount Rwenzori.
It serves as a centre between Kibale Forest National Park, Semuliki National Park, Toro-Semuliki game reserve and Queen Elizabeth National Park with many epic sites that arouse any traveller’s enthusiasm to see more. It is an epi-centre of about 30+ crater lakes, and the famous Nyakasura stalagmites and stalactites locally known as “Amabeere g’anyina Mwiru.”
Fort Portal also serves as the seat for Tooro Kingdom, which is ruled by King Oyo Nyimba, the youngest King in the whole world. Un-doubted also, is the Toro beauty enclaved in a saying, “Toro Kokasemera” literary meaning, Toro you’re beautiful.
Visit (Queen Elizabeth National Park) which is less than an hours drive from Fort Portal on the way to Mbarara. The wide bio-diversity of habitats means that Queen Elizabeth National
Park contains the most astonishing number of species - almost 100 types of mammal and 606 different birds! The Kazinga Channel alone is said to contain the world's largest concentration of hippos, but interestingly enough not many crocodiles! Other wildlife includes warthogs, buffalo, rare aquatic sitatunga antelope, giant forest hog, beautifully horned Uganda kob, topi, waterbuck, elephant and leopard.
As well, you can visit Kibale Forest National Park for the best birding and primate viewing activities and Semuliki National Park for the amazing Sempaya female and male hot springs. These National Parks are just on the edges of this magical town. Visit the Nyakasura falls and Stalagmites and engage in nature walks and crater lake walks and hiking.
Fort Portal is Famous for its tea. This area is gifted by nature with a cool climate which ensures a relatively slow plant growth rate This naturally makes the tea a highly grown, high quality tea.
The consumption of this tea is associated with many health benefits.You can buy the tea in any local shop or even better visit one of Fort Portal's tea plantations.
Things To Do
Major attractions:
- Nyakasura Falls and caves
- Crater lakes
- King Oyo’s Palace
- Kibale National Park
- Semuliki National Park
- Toro Semuliki Wildlife reserve
- Sempaya Female and Male Hot springs

Aramaga Rift Valley Lodge
A small, boutique lodge located on a ridge overlloking the Mountains of the MoonUt enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip.

Kyaninga Safari Lodge
Located on the edge of a crater lake overlooking the Mountains of the Moon.Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip.

Mountains of the Moon Hotel
The hotel sits on 15 acres of landscaped gardens with wonderful views of the Rwenzori Mountains from where the hotel takes its name. Its a unique blend of oriental and French chic styles where guests instantly feel at home.Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip.

Nyaika Hotel
Perched at the top of the hilly town of fort portalUt enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip.
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